Shingal – The terrorist militia ISIS launched an attack on Gabara village in Shingal early Sunday morning. According to Shingal´s Protection Force HPS, an ISIS unit advanced and attacked the resistance fighters there.
HPS, PKK and YBS (Shingal´s Resistance Units initiated by the YPG) forces are deployed in Gabar. By attacking the village that is located in the west of Shingal mountains, ISIS tries to recapture the highway that leads to the Syrian-Iraqi border. Several weeks before that, resistance units had managed to clean the road up from ISIS and thus cut off the organization´s supply line to Syria.
The clashes in Gabar are reportedly ongoing, just as the battle for Shingal city where PKK and YBS units have been engaging in fierce house-to-house fighting for weeks, being sporadically supported by coalition air strikes.