Duhok. After eight months of paperwork processing and advocacy, Yazda and Iraqi authorities have successfully completed the final stage in securing monthly allowances of 150,000 ID (125 USD) to the Yazidi women and girls who managed to escape ISIS captivity. All cases have been pre-approved by the Iraqi Central Government and 229 applications are now being processed at Yazda center in Dohuk for payment card issuance.
This social support program will enable the women and girls to receive a lifelong monthly payment. This small amount will not fulfill all the needs of the women, however, essential as most of the women have absolutely no income and many have lost those who once supported the family.
The initiative of securing monthly payments for the Yazidi women and girls was initiated by Yazda in January of 2015 in cooperation with High Commission for Human Rights in Baghdad and Ministry of Jobs and Social Affairs. Our role included advocacy in Baghdad to receive government approval for the program, interviewing women and filling out applications, verifying applicant’s status, and process coordination.
Yazda is currently working with the authorities in Baghdad and Kurdistan Region of Dohuk to complete applications for the remaining victims.
Yazda global leadership is delighted to announce this success for our young organization. Commitment of our staff in Iraq whom largely supported this cause on an unpaid volunteer basis has made this achievement possible.
Yazda is grateful to the support and commitment of High Commission of Human Rights, and in particular, Dr. Bushra al- Obaidi and Dr. Daham Al-Azzawi . We are also grateful to Dr.Suria Al sultany head of Directorate of women protection and her assistant Siham Miz’al for their continued efforts and contributions.
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