Islamists have again stepped up the mobilization of supporters to attack the local Ezidi minority of Germany. German media reported on clashes between ISIS sympathizers and Ezidis in the town Celle, located in the federal state of Lower Saxony. According to initial information made available by the police, around 100 individuals were involved in a mass brawl between Chechen Muslims and Ezidis in Celle. Six people were injured, one so badly that he had to stay in the hospital. For unknown reasons, a group of Chechen ISIS sympathizers and Ezidis clashed on the edge of downtown on Tuesday morning. They set upon each other with punches, kicks and various objects, even baseball bats were brought into action, reported DIE WELT. On Monday evening residents startled the police which advanced with 70 officials to separate the two groups from each other. It is believed that those clashes resulted from the recent ISIS offensives on the Kurdish border town Kobane.
For Germany´s Ezidi minority it is not the first time to be confronted with radical Islamists. Two months ago, a group of Islamists believed to be from Chechnya attacked an Ezidi restaurant owner who was promoting a rally against ISIS in the German town of Herford following the ISIS onslaught on Sinjar, the settlement area of the largest Ezidi community in Iraq. Afterwards it turned out that two of the attackers were leading Salafist operatives who were already being monitored by German intelligence. One of them was a trained Chechen terrorist who participated in war against Russia.
Meanhwile, reports emerge claiming that refugees of Christian and Ezidi origin are being abused by Chechen asylum seekers in German refugee hostels.
Germany is home to the largest Ezidi community in the diaspora with an estimated number of 100,000 Ezidis.
Chechen ISIS supporters who have gathered in Celle to attack Ezidis