Demonstration on May 6th 2015 The Hague / Netherlands: recognition of the genocide against the Yezidis and investigation by the International Criminal Court in The Hague
A community of yezidi organizations in Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, United States, Iraq, UK and Canada leading by “Eziden Weltweit” (the German sister organization of “Initiative for Ezidis Around The World”) invites you to the demonstration in front of the International Criminal Court in The Hague on May 6th 2015.
We Yezidis will ask the International Criminal Court to recognize the genocide against the Yezidis and open the investigations against the perpetrators and co‐responsibles for many massacres of children, women and men. The continuing genocide must be stopped immediately. More efforts needs to be made by the intrernational community to free the 7000 yezidi women, children and men who are in the hand of the Islamic State (IS) and pressure needs to be made on countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan) participating on the slavery of yezidi women and children.
The international community must step up its efforts for the observance and respect of human rights, the protection of the Yezidis and Christians in Iraq. A delegation will meet bevor with representatives of the International Criminal Court in The Hague and then take part in the demonstration.
The beginning of the demonstration: May 6th 2015, The Hague / Netherlands, at 14:00 ‐17:00 o’ clock, Maanweg, 174, 2516 AB, The Hague, Netherlands
The support circle of the demonstration consists of: Eziden Weltweit (Germany), Initiative for Ezidis around the World, Hamburg Ezidische Community (Germany), Ezidi House Augsburg (Germany), Ezidi Kulturforening i Danmark, Association of Ezidi Organizations (Sweden), Stichting Affairs Yezidis (Netherlands), Yazda nonprofit Organization (USA), Yezidi Human Rights Organization ‐ International (Canada), Smoqa nonprofit Organization (Iraq) or