Bielefeld – A mass brawl erupted on Saturday evening at a refugee hostel in Germany near Oldentruper Hof in Bielefeld, with Chechens and Ezidis fighting each other.
30 people were said to have been involved in the brawl, five of which were seriously injured and had to be treated in hospital with head and facial injuries. Those who had been injured turned out to be Ezidis, the Westfalen-Blatt reports.
The brawl was started by Chechen Muslims who had been armed with sticks and knives, according to Neue Westfälische. Police reinforcements have been brought in to prevent further clashes. The perpetrators, however, have not been caught yet.
Christians and Ezidis are repeatedly attacked by Muslim refugees at German refugee hostels. It is, however, unclear whether the Chechen perpetrators were refugees too.
The activist group “Eziden Weltweit” which takes care of refugees in Greece contradicted the reports, claiming there had been no mass brawl but an “ambush” by the Chechens who had lured Ezidis out of the hostel and attacked them with knives and other weapons.